Belgium 2
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Fabulous interactive nature park in Belgium

Psst, kids....giant bugs behind you.  No... behind you.  Not up dammit, BEHIND YOU!

And some itty bitty bugs down there

This is what happens when kids dictate the pose.  OK, quiz:  which one is Uncle Coen?

Top of the food chain

Long jump

Bram has some natural gift of flight

What form!

Examining Opa's injury.  Playgrounds were made for smaller sized kids daddy-o

same thing goes for Tara!

End good is all good, as long as it ends in ice-cream

family portrait...from top left:  Oma Elly, Opa Ad, Arjan, Tara, Michiel, Betsy, Bram, Sander, Vincent, Julia, Sofia, Max, Annemarie, Coen, Stijn. Vincent was not really in the mood, so Tara pinched him - didn't make things better

Popping the cork to celebrate Opa's 70th Birthday!  Let the good times roll! Yes, that's the champagne for the kids

Sofia playing with Max and Annemarie. Not sure what Julia is up to over there in the back...

Vincen't FIRST round without help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Epic, monumental success!!

And then ...  all of a sudden ...  Julia could do it too!

Daddy got quite a bit of involuntary jogging in, at one point was even on the verge of perspiration. But it worked!

Congratulations from Elly

BTW, that industrial looking thing on the counter is the fly fryer. Worked overtime, as the sizeable local fly population was still thinking this was a real farm. Vincent thought it was quite inhumane to zap them to their death like that.