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December was a busy month: Sinterklaas, 8 nights of Hanukkah, and then the triplets came to stay through new years. 

Here's Tara, dreideling Julia out of all her money. By the way, we've got every Hanukkah book ever printed, and the kids LOVE to read Hershel of Ostropol. We must have read that at least a thousand times. I guess it's the best of both worlds: Hanukkah (think presents every night) and Goblins (think dragons)


We had a Hermit Crab called Mrs. Paint as a guest from the Montessori school over Christmas break. The kids loved to play with him. Tara however got concerned with the little movement she saw of the creature, so she bought her a friend, promptly baptized by the kids as Hermie. Hermie is a bit more lively, and also more assertive: he pinched Vincent's finger, leaving a big blood blister. That hurt!


Sofia, modeling her new outfit.                                        What is it with these kids and shoes???

What Sofia doesn't want you to know is that she's standing on a chair, illegally


Two sisters having lots of fun. Sofia is very generous with kisses these days. She speaks more and more words; her vocabulary, to trained ears, is quite large but she doesn't use it much. She does understand a lot of what we say.

Julia, not her best day... We all took a turn with a nasty flu virus

The Weintraubies spent the holidays with us; was great fun, with all those rugrats running around. We did a lot of sledding down our driveway, which got more adventurous by the day as the snow wore off. Each of the kids spent a couple of days being sick, but the rest were having a great time together. We even got Leah to ski for the first time, and she was a natural, really loved going through the rainbow forest with Todd. As did Vincent, even after crashing into a tree.

Samuel and Vincent had a great time at the Children's museum in Breckenridge


The whole bunch fit in one bath!


Leah, reading to Sofia                                                                            An interesting box arrived... Tara was very exited. And so were we, when we found a beautiful sled inside.

Dreumes, waiting for more visitors to play with him