Dubbeldam 3
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After learning to bike by themselves in Belgium, Vincent and Julia were hooked; all they wanted to do was bike, rain or shine.

So I put Vincent to the ultimate test: biking to the grocery store, to get our supply of hagelslag (important mission). He made it! he was the happiest kid ever in existence. Told everybody in the store that he biked there (most people shrugged about that, but were impressed with his English)

Then Julia made it ALL THE WAY to the water tower! Another epic moment.

They just couldn't stop. Here we're off for another round. After dinner we rode all the way to Oma's house, and on the way back went off-roading in the park.

I can do it better with my head wedged into this small space and writing upside down!

Tara managed to get all this cheese (45 pounds) plus pounds and pounds of dropjes and hagelslag, packed into the suitcases.  Of course we left all our clothes in Dordrecht but by god we have cheese!

Saturday morning we went to the Dordrecht market. Here's the fish guy, who apparently caught some sort of shark by mistake

Just amazing how much fish they have. I wonder if they sell most of it on a normal day, this day was very quiet as most people were on vacation.

Do they just not dare get the hook out of a barracuda's mouth?


Hollandse Stroopwafels! Made Fresh! Here's how it goes:

First you get 2 balls of dough, and put them in the baking iron, then you wait, and look at your customers funny.

Then while the inside is still moist you slide a knife through, get them out and smear on caramel.

And then... enjoy the happy customers

That Artis Umbrella really came in handy. Great investment, Sofia!

The Hofstraat, with some nicely restored houses

This day Ad celebrated his birthday for the family, which in Holland means that everybody comes over for pie. Usually the whole family comes by, and neighbors and friends, but this time most of them were on vacation

Layhing, Sofia (who squeezed herself in between) and Chris

Jolande, tante Nel and Uncle Ad

Tara's turn to bike with the kids. They both look a little worried...


Last day at the Parents. The lone apple survived our kids

Oma, Arjan & Sofia, and neighbor Karel

En route to the airport we saw this nice example of the old and new windmills

The flight back was through Houston (why why WHY is there still no direct flight between A'dam and Denver???? Houston is totally NOT on our way, wasting gas, environmentally unfriendly, all those hydro-carbons, bah.) where the immigration and customs managed to take up all our lag time and we had to do a 2 mile sprint to our connecting flight. OK, the olympians are a little faster, but they don't run with a sleepy kid on their neck. Made it with 1 minute to spare; we walked in, they closed the door and pushed off.