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Julia dressed up as a Princess (she acts like one all the time), and riding a horse 'naked' as she calls it

Playing Opa & Oma (according to them, sitting on my lap right now, Julia plays the part of Opa, and Vincent plays Oma)

Gangsta Juul


                                                                            The whole gang hanging out on the couch, watching TV. Sofia isn't really

                                                                            interested in the show, but loves to hang out with the other 2.

Julia communicates more and more with Sofia. Julia says (she's sitting on my lap as I write this) that she's saying Hi to Sofia here. We call her Snoopy these days, somehow that makes it less likely to call her Julia by mistake. That word, in Dutch, means little sweet, or candy, and that seems very appropriate. 

Sofia smiling... she smiles the whole day long. The sunshine in our house

The gang gets up way too early these days...

It must be noted that Vincent, as of December 5th 2004, has given up his pacifier, in exchange for a castle with knight and most importantly with a Dragon!

 Last updated 01/07/2005