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Saturday July 19: first day in Germany

Friday we drove to Holz-Gerlingen, just south of Stuttgart, where Michiel & Betsy live these days. Over the unlimited Autobahn, but unfortunately our econo-box rental, Fiat Bravo with 6 speed gearbox but without motor, didn't feel like going much faster than 150 km/hr (94 mph). Kids enjoyed books on tape and were pretty much fantastic for the 8 hour ride.

Saturday we hiked through the forest near M&B's house with Eric, their American neighbor. Kids were immediately at ease with each other (despite the band of angry thugs image here).

Mandatory bath picture (how many do we have by now? When does it start to be illegal?)

We also went to a great outdoor pool / playground with an enormous sand pit with water shoots so kids could experiment with dike works and such. Sunday we had brunch at the town cafe (walking distance!) and drove into Stuttgart to an indoor play place. The kids got along fabulously. 

Monday Sander and Bram had school, so we went off to see a castle. Quite a castle indeed! Burg Hohenzollern sits on top of the biggest hill (mountainnette?) in the neighborhood. The first castle on this strategic place was constructed in the 11th century, but the current structure stems from the 1800s. The last person to live there, for a few months at the end of WWII, was Prince Wilhelm of Prussia, left because he was always cold (according to the lady who gave the tour). 

You can see the enemy coming from far

We hiked up to the castle on a long path laced with raspberry bushes, arrived quite hungry so we had a great lunch at a very nice restaurant in the castle with local cuisine. Took a tour, saw a million portrait paintings (even one of princess Sofia), and managed to get lost in the dungeons.

Stopped in Tubingen on the way back, looking for pie.

Julia's first time holding a cat on her lap. Both purred