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Tara went to Florida with the kids

Sofia in Hawaii - eh - Florida

Savta & Sofia: Who's supporting who?

Racing around at Yusty's place

Hanging with the Weintraubies

Uncle Kaboobie! And Isabel, Lily, Laura & Mom

Kids love the beach! 

Jessica's mother's friend's apartment at Venetian causeway - swanky!

Sofia hanging with Uncle Kaboobie,  AKA Steve Dines.  During the course of some fine dining experience, the story of "Kaboobie" (an imaginary entity from the early years of Richard Dines) was discussed.  The kids found it a much more appealing title than Steve and thus it stuck.


So the fun of a nice long steep driveway is ..... SLEDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




picking up speed ...!



Sofia has no need for a sled. Dressed thicker than Michellin Man, she just does a belly slide. Tasty snow!

Sledding Mamma!



Quite possibly the first snowman to visit Maison Tarian.

Poor kid, forced to eat lettuce


Sofia's first day on skies: Opa & Oma were in town, so we had a family ski day - in the morning Tara & I took Vincent & Julia out, and Sofia went shopping with the grootouders. Then in the afternoon, when V & J were more interested in climbing the big snow mountians at the end of the slope Sofia got her first runs in. 

Definitely talent at work here. The others love skiing, but Sofia is by far the most enthusiastic.

Vincent & Julia made amazing progress this day. We put 'edgy-wedgies' on their skis for the first time, and that made a huge difference. All of a sudden Vincent was able to do a snow-plough, and then 1 run later Julia had it down too. Turning came automatically after that, so they both were going down the Loveland hill without help. Unfortunately no action pictures of this Olympic event :-(

Peeping Tom ?

The ladies in front of the fire

Tara hard at work. Professional setup, no expenses spared.

Julia was inspired one day by our Matisse. So Tara moved it into her 'atelier'

And another milestone: Sofia is using the Big Potty!