Gravity and me
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Gravity and Me

My mom says that gravity is the reason we don't fall off the earth.  

I said it looked green, like the grass.  Mom said gravity was everywhere, even on the street where it's not green.  

One day I tried to squeeze toothpaste on my toothbrush but it wouldn't come out.  Mom said I should turn the tube upside down and let gravity help pull it out.  So now, whenever I get toothpaste on my toothbrush, I yell down the sink "Thank you gravity! ".  

Another day, I was reading a book in my cushy reading chair .  When I turned around in the chair, I dropped my book.  I was mad and yelled down "gravity, give it back! "       But, it didn't.

My little sister knows all about gravity.  She plays games with it like "catch".  Her favorite "catch" game is with her fork at the dinner table.  Dad gets really annoyed but my sister keeps tossing up her fork and waiting for gravity to catch it and then she laughs, laughs, laughs!  

One of my sisters has really long hair.  She always wants to know why her hair grows down and not straight up off her head.  I told her it was gravity doing what gravity does:  just pulling things down and trying to hold them there.  When I say that, my sister twirls around and around as fast as she can to make her hair fly up.  She thinks she's figured out how to trick gravity.  She's pretty funny.  

I wish I could see gravity.  I would like to see what it looks like instead of always imagining.  Although, I do have a good imagination.  Everyone says so.  My teacher thought is was very interesting that I sometimes wonder if gravity is stronger than a dragon.   

When a dragon flies up, it is stronger than the gravity trying to hold it down.   Mom says that gravity is the reason the dragon wouldn't just stay up all the time though.  It would have to flap it's wings the entire day and night and even when it was sleeping and even when it was eating.  That actually doesn't sound fun.  

But, balloons don't have wings to flap, and they go right up.  Mom says that's only true of Helium balloons because Helium is a gas that's lighter than air.  I don't want to tell her but I'm not really sure what she's talking about.  I can't see air either and the only gas I know about is stinky.  

When I get bigger though, I'm going to learn more about gravity.  My parents say that scientists have been trying to learn about it for a long time.  So, I guess I'm going to be a Scientist... or a Dragonologist.  I'll decide when I'm six.




Copyright: Tara L. Saltzman 2006