Welcome to Maison Tarian website

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Pictures of EuroTrip2008 are in!

Last update: September 8, 2008, added the vacation pictures 

Picture of the month:

Vincent's new pet: Tiger the fire-bellied Toad. He eats crickets, which we buy from the pet store for $0.06 each. Not easy to eat them, as he appears to have no teeth. So he has to jump on the cricket with wide open mouth, and then try to push the whole thing in while the cricket is wiggling with all its might to get back out. 

Enter at your own risk

This website was primarily put together as our personal photo album, to share with family and friends. And as our lives have been taken over by our off-spring, so has this site.



Enjoy. Please send comments to or  we love to hear from you!

Last updated 09/10/2008