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July part 1
July part 2 Click on one of the buttons on the left to see the photo album for that month

Kid Quotes

1/18/05: Playing hide & seek with Julia.

Typically the kids want Papa to hide first, then when they find him they immediately hide in the same place. When I told Julia that the whole point is to hide in a place where I don’t know where she is, she tells me from within the closet with a big sigh:

“But this IS a place where you don’t know where I am!”

6/2/05: conversation between Vincent and Tara in the car

V: Does the sun melt the water

T: Sun helps to dry the water off the ground

V: How does it dry it?

T: The heat makes the water change from liquid to a gas and it floats up into the air. That’s called evaporation

V: (Sigh…) I know, mom! But is an elephant bigger than a lion ?!?!? (said like that was his question all along)


V, in the car: "Mama, are we going left or right?"

T: left, why?

V: Great, I like left better than right.

T:  why?

V: because left I can say better.

11/28/05, florida

Sofia: I see an airplane!

T: me too!

S: me three!

Sofia, after being at 5 parties over 4 days, made up this song:

 How are you, how are you,

I’m good I’m good I’m good

-repeat 20x-


Vincent sits at the table and accidentally drops his book. Bending down he can’t quite reach, so he yells: “Gravity, give me back my book!”

Oma van Mierlo quote:

de broers van Elly zijn een mooi span voor een bokkewagen. (Ad: de ene kan niet lopen en de andere ook niet)

Vincent, 12/17/05, going to bed:

“You know mom, it’s getting harder and harder to read your mind to know what to wear tomorrow”

Vincent, explaining to Julia in the car, 12/17/05

“Sunset is when the sun goes down, down down and the clouds get red and pink and orange”


After Vincent got a star for a good deed, he said to Julia:

“Julia, I’m going the be a little bit of a bad listener so you can get more stars than me”