July part 2
Back Home Up


The second half of our Holland trip.

Happy kids in the back yard of Bert & Harriet's place

At Maarten's farm, 3 houses down the street from the Parents, a calf was born. Sofia was really interested

Dag van Mens & Dier, a festival in a park near the Parents. Vincent & Sofia got a little ride on a horse, while Julia was helping Oma back home to make her new dress

The good old knikker game - we all grew up with it, the sound of tock, zzzzzzt, zzzzzzt, zzzzzzt, ting tang tong toem bang rrrrrr click is embedded in our brains. The kids are mesmerized while eating Oma's amazing pastries

Opa, Sofia and Stijn

We all went on a biking trip: Tara with 1 kid on the back, Arjan with one in front and one on back, the Dutch way (those kids in the front are really handy as a shield in heavy rain). At the first stop in de Merwelanden we ran into some pneumatic trouble, but nonetheless a great trip.

Arjan finally finished his work on the minimizer machine!

Het Land van Ooit, an amusement park in the south of the Netherlands, was great for these kids: nothing to far-fetched, everything within their grasp, both physically and mentally.

Ever rode a chicken? Yeeeeehaaa!

The flight back: the headsets are a little too big for their heads, but with a little help from the British Airways care package they can fit.

Sofia practicing for bank robber, Tara zoned out.


Back home: the hang chair we got at IKEA is a HUGE hit with the kids. They swing each other by laying on the ground and kicking the bag, they put half their body in and then turn 200x until it's completely wound up, then jump in and spin forever. Or, Vincent's favorite: start at the end of the hallway to get maximum speed, then jump in head first and see if the thing will swing far enough to hit the TV.