July part 1
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For months Vincent has been asking for a nice dragon suit for his birthday. Tara went on a quest and found this beautiful, sweet lady dragon and Vincent was extatic! Julia got a Belle dress, which by now has been worn so much that it's falling apart.

On July 6th we left for Holland. The journey went through London, where Yusty was waiting for us, then on to Brussels. We spent a few days with Michiel, Bets and Sander & Bram in Perk, just outside Brussels. Played in their awesome house and backyard, went to the Perk village festival, visited the local pigs, etc.

Then on to Dordrecht, and after a delicious dinner at the Parents we finally got to Bert & Harriet's house in Stadspolders.

Here the kids are having popsicles at the Stadspolders playground. They loved that place! And Slot Scharestein had a great car which we took around the block a few times.

Here are the kids at the petting zoo.

Tara, Yusty and the kids went to Amsterdam to visit Coen, and meet Stijn for the first time. Julia got a very warm welcome. She now says that baby Stijn is her best best best best BEST friend.

Vincent had a blast at Coen & Annemaries appartment too



Visiting Bejetta & Sonny. Their kids were wonderful to our bunch, which arrived in a rather grumpy mood after a trip that took 3 times longer than planned due to Arjan's navigational talents. 


Happy kids at the Parent's house                                                                                                           Julia at Kinderdijk - windmills everywhere!


We had a perfect day at Safaripark Beekse bergen. Took a boot trip, then walked through the park, saw a demonstration with big birds that swooped right over our heads, played in the best playground, and then when the kids had nothing more to give we drove through the safari park and had the car washed by giraffes.

Stampertje: a little scary, but very intriguing.                                                                                                 Sofia wearing Julia's Belle-dress

Young tourists enjoying Dordrecht! Is Sofia laughing about the statue of the virgin behind her?

Castle Loevenstein

Opa teaching Dutch victory chants to his namesake

The bunch piled up at the petting zoo

Feet feet feet. The kids LOVED our exchange house! Toys everywhere, stairs you can see though, hagelslag every day....

Party in the park with millions of kids. Coen & Michiel with offspring, Pierre with Floris and Isis, Leon & Pauline with Koen, and Mark with himself (most popular kid by far). Elly once again outdid herself with a 2 layer cake that was sweeter than the sweetest thing you've ever tasted, times 2. Hard to keep the kids away from it.