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August started superbly:  First off, Sofia arrived!  That glorious event was soon followed by a beautiful cookie bouquet from the Golds & Medvins which quickly caught the attention of Vincent and Julia.



Sofia tried to see if she could sit like Julia on her birth announcement, but somehow it looked different... Happier hanging on mamma's shoulder



Julia wasn't sure she'd like having a baby sister but warmed to the idea after experiencing the thrill of holding her.   Mom and Sofia share a rare snooze.   



Gwendolien (Pierre's sister) and Edwin (man number 67, without head) were in the neighborhood on their tour around the States, and stopped by to read stories to Vincent and Julia in Dutch.


When mom is too exhausted to notice,  Vincent and Julia take good care of their sister.


Now that all the family has left we have no time for baths, so we throw the kids in with the laundry


This creature visited the playground. Let me know if you recognize it.   We believe it may be a new, as yet unidentified species of sporty fly.  Tara thinks it's wearing a helmet of some sort. Perhaps its an American Football fly, terribly lost in our playground.


We know what this is, but had never seen one in our backyard. What a beauty!

Last updated 01/07/2004