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June 18th to end of June 2003

Bryce and Sam Civiello spent the day at our house while Jen delivered baby Luke.  Soon after that, Sander, Bram, and Betsy Verheij from Michigan came to visit while Oma and Opa were in town from Holland.

Bryce is a wonderful story teller


Everybody likes something special about this fabulous book:  What a Wonderful World


yeah, yeah, we know we're cute!


The fun is just beginning as everyone finds their own special place.


Books are the favored distraction.  This is another much enjoyed tale:  Joseph Had an Overcoat


Sam I am finds extraordinary depth and humor in our carpet.  We're all mystified!


Dreumes and Sam reach a new level of understanding and empathy.


Some of the flowers that were in bloom this week.


Back to cute kids:

I love you, I love you                         hurrah, hurrah


We're done, now it's time to party!


We should be dancing, yeah....


I'd like to thank my parents, without whom, I'd have little success in terrifying.


This is how I eat cake;  first grab a gobfull and insert directly into widely open mouth and then press gently.


This is how I eat cake:  First gather a large slather on one utensil (it's ok to use the back end), bring it to the mouth and using yet another utensil, carefully insert the cake pressing firmly yet gently with both hands.


George Allaman spent the night at Maison Tarian after a party in Evergreen.  Julia particularly enjoyed his vocal interpretation to another favored tale.


Children Verheij experiment with their new art easel.


The first morning with all the Verheij cousins at Club Tarian.  Sander is practicing his famous Karate moves on us.


I must paint, must paint, must paint

The dreaded T.V.:  only way to get the crowd to CHILL OUT!!!!