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Kleinkinderweek in Colorado

Betsy, Sander en Bram kwamen voor een week naar Colorado, waar de Parents ook net aangekomen waren om te helpen met de komst van Pullekie #3 in Maison Tarian. Michiel kwam ook langs voor een weekend, net tijd genoeg om Ad mee te nemen naar de Pikes Peak Race to the Clouds.



Bubble Fun for Everyone:


First one up gets Opa's lap, a cuddly pet, and the reading selection of their choice:

The alternative, of course, is to balance oneself precariously on one's head.


I love you Oma, really, have a flower

If Vincent and Sander can't agree on what book to read, Opa will simply read both.


John and Ann Forgan showed up with a real tractor!

The days were hot, pushing 90 degrees, so the hot tub was turned down and converted to swimming pool.


and ... Dessert

Hondeballen? Julia is er niet vies van!