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Famous Dam Square in front of the Royal Palace.  Kid peetering but not pooped yet. 

To perk up the pack, we hopped in a horse drawn carriage for Old city tour.  See me?  CliCK

Definitely a better view below

Nothing like being stuck behind a horse drawn carriage in high traffic.  The Dutch looooooove da tourists.

Sign below reads:  Pink Point:  Gay and Lesbian Info         Signs below: Homo Monument, New Church, Anne Frank House

Particularly rainy day drove us (and 90 billion others) indoors to the NEMO hands on science museum.  Here Arjan catches Julia in a bubble

a world of amazement for young and old

Too much fun!  Julia (top row), Sofia (second row), guess who's next?

A private science show.  experiments with air pressure.

Remarkable reconstruction of sailing ship below.  

NEMO science museum.  The top deck there is a fully functioning coffee terrace with sand pits for kids to play in and water canals to wade in.

Another good day in Holland!

Coen and Annemarie let us stay in their house in Amsterdam while they vacationed in Belgium.  Parts of the house (like the kitchen) were still under construction :-)

You have to imagine the sound affects

Sea lion show below

Henrietta the friendly Heron

Even more amazing: they trained one of the sea lions to take pictures! Here's the family shot he (or she, who knows) took. Pretty good, eh?

At the Artis Zoo gift shop the kids tried to buy stuff with their accumulated money, but were hit by the tough laws of economics. In the end V & J were in tears, but Sofia scored with this 4 Euro umbrella.

Kids interact with actualized Rembrandt

We 'pikte een terrasje' op het rembrandsplein, waar V & J were very happy with their own table (amazing how good these kids are at ordering their own stuff )

On the other side of the street the Coffee Shops are luring...