Amsterdam 2
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This was the late-night show at the Leidsche Plein

This guy was able to spin on his head for more than a minute!

Our kids were really inspired

Thursday July 31

We biked to the Amsterdamse Bos, something like Central Park NY, but then on the outskirts of Amsterdam, right next to where Coen lives.  These amazing bikes are all the rage in Holland.

The petting zoo there is awesome! Goats, chickens and a calf share a playground with the kids, and they have little bottles with milk you can feed the goats with. They also have pigs with lots of tiny pet-able piglets (Julia says the piglets were the softest animals there), horses, and another giant playground. The best thing is that they have a terrace where you can enjoy unbelievable pie and pastries and a good old Dutch kopje koffie, while the kids play.

This seemed like a very nice cow, until she - or he - took Sofia on the horns and threw her into the air! Luckily (s)he had been de-horned so Sofia wasn't hurt. Sofia says 'that was exiting: he gave me a little ride on his head, he was funny'

Best way to exfoliate I know of: have a cow lick your skin with that raspy tongue

Julia took this picture.  Family at the park.  Was it a sunny day ya think?

Vincent departs with Mama...

and this is how he came back

Sofia's turn in the Tara Ferry

Zip lines are another well developed design throughout Holland.  

This bike ('bakfiets') is truly brilliant. Perfectly balanced, and you can load your kids in bathing suits wet and all .

The pancake house had super kid pancakes that come not only with 20 pounds of sugar, and just in case that doesn't get your kids going, some more candy on top.

The 'ultra kid mega deal' pancakes even come with sunglasses. BTW, look at the size of these plates

The pancake place even has deer, that you can feed