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Lots of visitors this month, so lots of pictures.

Oma and Opa were in town, and that means joy to our stomachs - these are real soufflé's!

I'm also happy to note that since Tara discovered the secret behind the high altitude soufflé we've enjoyed these heavenly creations many times. The kids love them, and that's a hyper-critical audience.

This is Julia reading a book to Papa's dog slippers

Vincent notes he doesn't like scary dogs. Those dogs are too scary!

David & Diane were here, too, on their way from San Diego to Minnesota. Uncle David brought his favorite movie, Jungle Book, and sang along on all the songs. The kids were really into it, although sometimes Julia was a bit concerned with the well-being of Mogly.

Vincent seemed to like it, then, but now he says he really prefers movies with dragons. Furthermore he notes that he liked green, but now he likes red.

Happy Oma, happy baby. Diane reading in the backgroud. She's the best reader!

Grandma Yusty stopped by too, and is a very good storyteller. Tara had already heard the story, though...

What's going on here remains a mystery.

Vincent now explains: he's pretending to be a horse. With Dragon underwear.

Vincent is most like his dad, weary of dirt and stickiness, always eats with knife and fork and usually leaves the table with sparkling clean hands. Julia on the other hand doesn't mind the muck; here she is taking French fries on a trip trough her plate: first over the potato hills, then through the broccoli forest, and then a nice swim in the ketchup lake.

Fun in a box; who needs toys? 

Papa's failure as a babysitter : while feeding Sofia dinner the other two were nicely playing somewhere - not sure where, but things sounded relatively peaceful, no crying for once. But when dinner was done an investigation found the entire bathroom closet emptied into the bath, with one kid swimming in it.

Julia now says they did it because 'we were happy about that'.

Sofia is not quite walking yet, but very eager to learn so she can run along with the pack

Clean cutie

Vincent calls Opa's hair black-blond. 

 Last updated 01/07/2005