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For Elly's 60th birthday Coen and Michiel decided the best present would be to ship Arjan over. And so Arjan was delivered, in a nice 'Plus' supermarket box, to the Parent's house by Chris and Berjet. But after Elly had looked at this strange box from all sides she decided "I can't open it now. My birthday is not until Sunday. Why don't we put it in the garage for now". And she promptly walked back into the house. 

Here I am, squeezed into this box, to be stored in the garage for a couple of days. Ad starts to push the box. I push back from the inside, trying to make it feel like a solid box. No such luck: he yells "Elly, come here, I think it moved !!!!". I hear Elly walk back, and realize this is my chance. I examine the top of the box, thinking what a flop it would be if I try to push out and all that happens is a little bump in the top. 

So I crouch down to get a good start at the biggest jump I have in me. I shouldn't have worried, the whole box flies apart, and I'm face to face with Elly, who has the most surprised look  I've ever seen. 


Happy parents and co-conspirators Chris and Berjetta

As part of the festivities that weekend we took a boat trip through the Bieschbos. The captain and narrator forgot to take his Prozac that morning, and gave us the most tragic story of the Bieschbos.

Chez Elly: nobody ever left hungry after a party at the Parents.

Spring in Colorado: still a bit nippy this day, but the kids insisted on going out.

The best thing ever: a sleeping baby