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The kids got soap from Germany.... odd stuff

Vincent wants to join the circus

SNOW!!!! 2 feet we got in one night! Perfect to get those little buggars stuck in

Oma made Halloween costumes for the kids, a big hit:

The parents setting up their tent at the sanddunes

The Sobzack's idea of camping is slightly different

The kids had a blast playing in the sand

Opa on the dunes. We were well on our way to the very top when a sandstorm hit us. Combined with hail and rain it made for an uncomfortable hasty retreat.

On the way back from the dunes we stopped at the Gator Farm. That turns out to be a great place, full of weird animals


This is the guy's personal pet alligator, and allegedly doesn't bite very often

There were several pens like this one with gators, and buckets of dead fish next to them. The first time Vincent threw a fish and a gator snapped it up he about exploded of excitement.

The big black goat was as much of a leaner as Dreumes, wouldn't leave me alone

Look at the sizes of those pies! And they were awesome!

Finally it's Halloween. Vincent is surprised to see Tara at school

The gang returns after an exhausting night of trick-r-treating