July vacation
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Longing back to the camping days, but not so much the hassle of running a family from a tent, we decided to get a pop-up camper. And what's better to test it out than a 4-week trek to the west coast? Here's the story.

##### WORK IN PROGRESS #####

July 22: Leave Evergreen

7PM: left Evergreen after partying at the Civi's. Drove to the middle of Wyoming, to Grandma's Cafe, the only pull-out we saw in hundreds of miles it seemed. Set up camp, slept a bit, then had a greasy breakfast with Grandma in the morning.

July 23: from Grandma’s Café to Grand Tetons

Drove the rest to the Grand Tetons. Even though I've seen them a couple of times, they are still breathtaking. So steep, so raw, rising out of the water... magnificent. Found a great camping spot at Colter Bay. Kids enjoyed all the wild grass (I didn't, sneezed my nose off). Campsite only a short walk from Teton lake, which was awesome for the kids to play at.

July 24: Grand Tetons & Jackson

Took a drive south, pick-nicked at the lake, hiked a bit and ended up in Jackson for dinner

We got to Jackson seconds after the daily gunfight they put on in the main street. Pity, but we still had a great time at the main square. They have this great little park with trees to climb in and giant antler arches. And the kids got to pet the police horse, truly the friendliest horse I'd ever seen. Even lowered his head just to make sure Sofia got some petting in.

July 25: from Grand Tetons to Yellowstone

Set up camp at Grant Village. Awesome campsite, a short stroll from Yellowstone lake.

Julia is the big helper of the bunch when it comes to cranking.

Set up camp at Grant Village. Awesome campsite, a short stroll from Yellowstone lake. Got the camper popped up just in time for the rain, a welcome refreshment.

July 26: Yellowstone, Old Faithful

Lunch pick-nick at West Thumb, where the kids saw the first steaming pool at the entrance of the parking lot.

Ranger walk at West Thumb, looking for footprints and scat. The walk started after our picknick at West Thumb. The ranger started with examples of prints and scat, and our kids were remarkably good at calling the animal that made the prints / poop


Old faithful


This is camping! Setting your own marshmello on flames!

Little Sofia flying the big dragon kite at the fish hatchery in Idaho