Safari Sally
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For Vincent's birthday party we invited Safari Sally and some of her pets.

Vincent thought he had a cockroach on his head... but Sally tricked him

A Hissing Madagascar cockroach... that you can pet. Although Joshua is not sure he really wants to

Isabella is intrigued

Deadly Tarantula!

Deadlier Scorpion. Sally said this guy is not quite as friendly as her previous one...

This is a blue-tongued skink. It's main defense: piss and poop on your attacker! and he did; glad we weren't inside!

Time for a wipe!!!!!!

A corn snake. Cody wants to hold it. His grandmother Yvonne is hiding around the corner, not too fond of snakes I guess

Vincent was HAPPYYYY!

A furry animal. We forgot what kind. Suggestions anybody? Yusty thinks it was a mink, she's probably right.

Weasel. Or ferret.... :-( Good thing there wasn't an exam at the end.

Albino Skunk

An finally: Vincent's special request, the THE BEARDED DRAGON

How about that cake! Ryan, Joshua and Vincent are ready for a piece.

Who wants to kiss a dragon head?